Legal Environment of Business

Course Code
EMBA 625

1.5 hours

Legal Environment of Business --- This course focuses on the role of law in leadership development and organizational success. The course has two main goals. The first goal is to develop legally savvy leaders who are able to accelerate career success by understanding the legal aspects of their responsibilities. The second goal is to show how organizations can achieve competitive advantage by reducing legal risk and using the law to create economic value, while also encouraging responsible conduct through a law?based values framework. The course opens with general management perspectives on the importance of thinking globally about the law. Following an overview of the legal framework for management decision making, two foundation areas of the law relating to busines - torts and contract - are covered in depth. Following this foundational coverage, the course focuses on applications of the law relating to two key stakeholders - customers and employees. These applications include product liability, discrimination, and wrongful discharge. In each of these areas, emphasis is placed on opportunities that create competitive advantage. Because leaders spend a significant amount of time resolving internal and external disputes, the course concludes with a review of processes, skills and tools they can use to resolve disputes in a cost?effective manner.