Managing Change

Course Code
MO 414

3 hours
[BBA Junior or BBA Senior] or Business Minor or MM or [non-Ross Junior or Senior]

Managing Change --- Planning, managing, evaluating, and surviving organizational change are challenges that you will confront as an employee, manager, consultant or analyst. In this course, we will explore the forces that have been driving organizations to change, examine the impediments to change, and survey a range of approaches for making organizational change more effective. We will ask why organizational change is often so difficult, how organizations institute and institutionalize change, and what organizations might look like in the future. Case studies, articles from the popular press, videos, and research papers provide our course material. The practical implications of this understanding will be underscored by a 6-week action project, in-class case discussions, and participative exercises. In research projects, students will test and extend their understanding of change by analyzing an organization's experience with the change process.

Prior to Fall 2014, this course was offered as MO 314.