Why (and How) You Should Talk to Current Students Before Applying to MBA Programs

A collage of student ambassador headshots

Chatting with students currently enrolled in MBA programs can be a valuable part of your school research process. At Michigan Ross, we have more than 300 current students excited to connect with you, answer your questions, and share their Ross experiences.

These incredible students come from more than 30 countries around the world and have career interests and backgrounds that are as diverse as they come. We’re always proud of and amazed by the number of students volunteering to take on this role.

As you prepare to reach out to one of our student ambassadors, here are some tips for making the most of your meeting time:

Connect With People You Can Relate To

Chatting with students is an opportunity to get firsthand perspectives on our school’s academics, recruiting, student clubs, the Ross community, what living in Ann Arbor is like coming from places like New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Lagos, etc., what they were looking for in a school, and how Ross met their criteria.

Our student ambassador page has filters that enable you to search for students by career interest, club, citizenship, and region, so you can focus your outreach on student profiles you can relate to.

If you have a particular interest that’s not reflected in the available filters, leave a comment below and we can help find a student ambassador who’s available to chat with you.

Connect with a Student

Michigan Ross has 300+ ambassadors for you to choose from — so you’re sure to find students with similar interests, backgrounds, and goals. Ask them anything you’d like to get an authentic take on life at Ross. 

Student Ambassadors

Ask Questions You Can't Find the Answers to on the Website

Simple things like deadlines, our class profile, which companies recruit on campus, etc., can be found on the Ross website. By doing homework on a school in advance, you can have a more useful conversation.

If you have specific admissions-related questions, direct them to our Office of Admissions (by participating in one of our office hours, in-person events, webinars, or emailing RossAdmissions@umich.edu).

Remember: You're Talking to Real Students With Busy Lives, Just Like You

While student ambassadors want to be helpful and are happy to talk with candidates, remember that they also balance the demands of projects, exams, recruiting, and other things. So, remember to be respectful of the student’s time. We guarantee you’ll want the same when you’re a student.

Good luck with your application! We look forward to learning about you.