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Q&A: Meet the Michigan Ross Students Leading the BBA DEI Committee Who Are Working to Create a More Inclusive Community

A part of the BBA Council at the Ross School of Business, the BBA DEI Committee aims to improve all student experiences by creating and maintaining action-based structures dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion at Michigan Ross.

The BBA DEI Committee works with other Michigan Ross students, staff, faculty, and school leadership to carry out its mission as well as organize impactful events and programs. 

Each year, five Michigan Ross students serve on the BBA DEI Committee. Below, hear from members about their motivations for joining the committee, how it fits in with their Ross and post-graduation career goals, and more.

Iman Qureshi 

Program/Year: BBA ’23

Hometown: West Bloomfield, Michigan

Post-Graduation Career Interest: Finance - investment banking

BBA DEI Committee position: Membership director

Why did you join the DEI committee? 

I wanted to be able to give back to the Michigan Ross community by doing my part in making sure it’s an inclusive environment.

What are you most excited about being part of the committee?

I’m excited to bond with other members over shared passions in the DEI realm and the chance to brainstorm innovative solutions to different problems we might see across Ross.

How does being in the DEI committee fit in with your journey at Ross/post-career goals?

As an underrepresented minority in finance, I recognize that there are certain nuances of my career that will take time to adjust to, but I also know that the best way to gain confidence in my abilities is by connecting with other underrepresented minorities and doing what I can to bridge the gap. Being part of the DEI committee allows me to practice critical thinking skills and network with people who share similar concerns, which is something that’s important regardless of career and just in life in general.

Karyn King

Program/Year: BBA ’23

Hometown: Flint, Michigan

Post-Graduation Career Interest: Management, organization, HR - HC Consulting

BBA DEI Committee position: Director of recruitment

Why did you join the DEI committee?

I joined the DEI committee as a first-year BBA student to find a community of individuals who were committed to improving the Ross culture and advocating for all types of students, especially those student voices that aren’t the loudest in the room.

What are you most excited about being part of the committee?

I am most excited about all of the amazing ideas and partnerships that we’ve made recently where we are able to hear from students and faculty to see the ideas and visions they have for making Ross more inclusive. Having this diversity of thought enriches my experience being a part of the committee because it’s so exciting to hear and see people in other organizations become passionate about DEI and what they can contribute.

How does being in the DEI committee fit in with your journey at Ross/post-career goals?

Being in the DEI committee fits with my journey because coming into Ross was a difficult adjustment for me, and I was intimidated by the intensity that is Ross. By committing myself to DEI, I am able to break down some of those barriers and really engage with students who faced or are facing similar challenges that I did. It’s so important to me to be able to help and support people to find the unique value within themselves because a lot of the time — when surrounded by amazing people — we forget that we belong as well. This ideology essentially led me into my current career path where I want to continue to build relationships and be a champion for others.

Isabel LoDuca

Program/Year: BBA ’24

Hometown: Valparaiso, Indiana

Post-Graduation Career Interest: Communications 

BBA DEI Committee position: Director of communications

Why did you join the DEI committee?

Entering college in the middle of a pandemic, I was looking to find a way to make a tangible impact within the Ross community; however, I wasn’t quite sure how to get involved. When exploring clubs, I clicked on the Zoom link to the DEI committee’s mass meeting out of pure curiosity. I didn’t expect to join, let alone one day hold a board position. Yet, after talking with the current board and members, I realized that the DEI committee was the perfect value alignment and opportunity for me to make a difference, so I decided to join.

What are you most excited about being part of the committee?

This semester, I am most excited about helping to develop a first-gen initiative at Ross. As a first-generation student myself, I entered college unsure of what being a student at Ross entailed besides going to class and getting good grades. Whether it be the competitive club recruiting cycle, internship recruiting, or college life in general, I found myself having to figure it out mostly on my own. Although I soon joined clubs where I met people who have now helped me navigate the process, I am hoping this initiative levels the playing field for all first-gen students and help them succeed at Ross.

How does being in the DEI committee fit in with your journey at Ross/post-career goals?

I have always valued DEI in the professional world, and I personally see increasing DEI within Ross as the first step to ensure the future business world is diverse and open-minded to the ever-changing world in which we live. I have continued to seek out internships and club opportunities that actively work to increase DEI and commit to progress in going forward. 

Leo Zamojcin

Program/Year: BBA ’24

Hometown: Montague, Michigan

Post-Graduation Career Interest: Finance/accounting 

BBA DEI Committee position: Inclusive classroom director

Why did you join the DEI committee?

Coming from a homogenous, rural area, I felt it was my responsibility to grow beyond what I was taught. I sought to surround myself with new ideas and cultures, and challenge myself and my biases at every stage of my journey through Ross. Our DEI committee proved early on to be a great community to help me do this, and I knew that joining would introduce me to people that would inspire me to learn even more.

What are you most excited about being part of the committee?

My director position has encouraged me to often take a step back and observe our classroom dynamics, club cultures, and student interactions to search for ways to promote a better learning environment. This has been very exciting for me, and it has let me take on a genuinely unique perspective on life in our business school. 

How does being in the DEI committee fit in with your journey at Ross/post-career goals?

My involvement with the DEI committee has become essential for my personal growth at Ross and a highlight of my experience here. DEI will be a reference point for me to reflect on after graduation and support my goal of being well equipped to bring different perspectives together and work through the problems they may create. Regardless of where I end up, I think the DEI committee will provide me with the resources and knowledge to create a more welcoming environment in the workplace.

Brooklynne Bates

Program/Year: BBA/LSA ’24

Hometown: Northville, Michigan

Post-Graduation Career Interest: Entertainment industry/write and direct TV shows

BBA DEI committee position: Director of outreach

Why did you join the DEI committee?

I wanted to join a diverse community of students working together to make Ross a more equitable and inclusive space. The DEI committee enables me to be both a student and a teacher. I am constantly learning about new ways in which I can be an ally and support my peers. I also have the opportunity to teach my peers about important DEI-related topics. Being part of the DEI committee is a great way to learn about Ross, from classes to clubs to culture, as many students have come to us to share their experiences with those topics.

What are you most excited about being part of the committee?

The DEI committee has been working with Ross Professor Dennis Oswald to build a community for first-generation college students here at Ross. Last semester, we hosted a first-generation community mixer in which undergraduates, faculty, and staff had the chance to meet each other and talk about their experiences as first-generation college students. This semester, we plan on expanding our first-generation initiative to include a mentorship program, website, and networking database.

How does being in the DEI committee fit in with your journey at Ross/post-career goals?

I joined the DEI Committee the first semester of my first year, and I plan on staying involved with this committee throughout my time at Ross. 

Ross students are the leaders of tomorrow. By being actively involved in DEI work, these students will be prepared to lead in an increasingly diverse world

Brooklynne Bates, BBA/LSA ’24

Learn more about the BBA DEI Committee


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